Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are used as to fully cover over an original tooth. Crowns are used for function, support and structure of a damaged or broken tooth. A crown can strengthen your tooth and improve its appearance. Crowns can also be used to attach bridges, protect a weak tooth from breaking or restore one that's broken.
At Dentistry of Alexandria, Dr. Truvan uses all ceramic crowns in order create a aesthetic restoration to cover the tooth fully.
Before placing a crown, Dr. Truvan may need to build up a foundation to support it. A foundation is needed if large areas of the tooth are decayed, damaged or missing. If you are receiving the crown after root canal treatment, Dr. Truvan may insert a post-and-core foundation.
In order to place a crown, Dr. Truvan will file down the tooth to make room for the crown. After filing down the tooth, the patient will get a temporary crown at the first visit and will return for the permanent crown during the second visit. For any further questions or evaluation, please feel free to contact our office for any questions.